Here, we'll explain how to install Attorney Online. Installation is only required for the desktop version of AO, unlike webAO which can be run directly from the web browser.
What's the Difference?
- Platform support. webAO works on anything with a web browser, including Android, iOS, Chrome OS, smart TVs, and probably cars. Desktop AO works natively on Windows, Linux, and macOS.
- Server support. Desktop AO can access any server, whereas webAO can only access servers that support it.
- Animation timing. Desktop AO has perfect frame timing; webAO has various timing issues in its animations that disturb the experience.
- Asset downloading. Desktop AO allows you to install your own assets locally; webAO downloads a curated list automatically.
- Large display support. Desktop AO requires a custom theme to look good on a large screen; webAO resizes to fit the window out-of-the-box.
- Development. Both versions of AO are worked on by different teams.
In summary, while webAO is more convenient, the desktop version of AO is more robust and provides a more stable and authentic experience.
Install the client from the website. The launcher is recommended, which does the extracting step for you and will automatically install updates whenever they are available.
Once you've downloaded the game, copy the contents of the ZIP file to any folder.
Double-click the Attorney Online executable file. For new releases, you may get a SmartScreen or antivirus warning; our software is not very popular, so sometimes it can take a while for virus scanners to recognize it as safe. You can safely ignore the warning.