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Creating Themes

Note: This section is only applicable to desktop AO.

The desktop AO client uses a custom UI loader that reads INI files which define the absolute position of every widget in the lobby and courtroom. This loader was developed by OmniTroid as a quick and dirty way to recreate the classic AO1 courtroom; however, it can be leveraged to develop custom themes for exotic resolutions and server branding.

Before considering a theme, you must first understand two main limitations of themes:

  1. They break immediately on newer versions of the client, as there will be buttons and widgets whose positions will not be defined by your (now outdated) theme. These new values will always be pulled from the Default theme.
  2. They are absolutely positioned, meaning that they will not adapt to the size of the window.

These limitations will be addressed in a later client version, which will replace the in-house theming system with Qt's native theming system. For those who want to ensure compatibility when the replacement occurs, please make sure to back up the original assets used to make your theme - The more you save, the less work that will have to be done later on!

Minimum Contents

A theme is a folder in base/themes. On startup, the client scans all folders in base/themes and considers each directory to be a theme (regardless of the validity of its contents).

Technically, a theme has no minimum files. It can be empty; any files not in your theme are simply searched in the default theme instead. Therefore, it is not necessary to copy the entire default theme - you only need to copy the files you want to edit. The client pulls any "missing files" from base/themes/default.

Since the theme configuration files have a large amount of options and widgets, we hope that inline comments in the INI files will suffice in lieu of documentation here.


Widget positions are defined in courtroom_design.ini and lobby_design.ini. The syntax for the INI file is as follows:

; comment
widget_name = x, y, width, height


Fonts are defined in courtroom_fonts.ini and lobby_fonts.ini, and are highly recommended to be placed into the base\fonts folder for distribution. The syntax for the INI file is as follows:

fontname = size
fontname_font = name
fontname_color = r, g, b
fontname_bold = 0/1
fontname_sharp = 0/1

AO2 only supports TrueType format (TTF) fonts. OpenType format (OTF) fonts will work, but have several issues (see AO2-Client#224) making them look terrible in some cases. If the font you want to use is in OpenType format (OTF), this documentation recommends the use of otf2ttf to convert the font to TrueType format. DO NOT USE ONLINE CONVERSION SITES. Many OTF fonts that exist have special properties that cause these web converters to fail, resulting in TFF files that are unusable. Please use the tool provided above instead.

Qt Stylesheets

As of 2.8, you can customize the UI using Qt CSS stylesheets, which allows significantly greater freedom in widget and font styles. In 2.9.1, further CSS support was added. Please see Qt CSS Objects for the object names of each element of the client (the documentation assumes you already either know how to use Qt CSS Stylesheets, or you're a fast learner.)


Some default sounds can be customized in courtroom_sounds.ini. The syntax is as follows:

; must include correct extension (*.wav, *.opus) in version 2.8.4 and older
event = sfx-name


Prior to 2.8, the chatbox was governed solely by chat.png. Since 2.8, chatblank, chatmed, and chatbig are also used depending on the length of the showname. (chatbox can also be used if multiple chatbox images seems unnecessary.) These can be overriden on a per-character basis, please see the Character Documentation for more details on this override.

Note that you may override the layout settings of custom chatboxes to better suit your theme. Custom chatboxes are generally located under base/misc. If you have a version under [theme]/misc, it will be used instead. Custom chatboxes have layout overrides via a courtroom_design.ini placed in their folder. Only chatbox-related settings may be overridden in this way.

Theme Inheritance

Added in 2.9.0, it's now possible for themes to inherit elements from other themes. These are done by way of Subthemes and Parent Themes.


You can add a folder inside of a theme that can replace anything inside the existing theme. Subthemes are prioritized over your current theme and work like a third layer of inheritance, so the first layer is default theme, second layer is current theme and the last layer is the subtheme. You can manually force your subtheme using the settings screen, set it to "default" to stop subthemes from changing, or "server" to allow the server to suggest which subtheme to use (meaning you can have themes for day/night cycles, different interfaces between investigation/trial segments, etc.)

For example, the fallback order for courtroom_design.ini will be as follows:

  • base/theme/subtheme/courtroom_design.ini
  • base/theme/courtroom_design.ini
  • base/theme/default_theme/courtroom_design.ini

Note that subthemes will never fall back to any subthemes belonging to the default theme.

As of 2.9.1, the client makes no attempts to differentiate folders for the main theme (such as the effects folder) from subtheme folders.

Parent Themes

You can specify a new default theme for themes, so instead of falling back to the theme called default, you can fall back to any theme of your choice. To do this, add a default_theme= value in courtroom_design.ini. Note that it is not recursive, so if the default theme you selected has a default_theme= value as well, it won't fall back a second time, nor will it fall back to default.

Animated UI

Starting in 2.9.0, it is possible to have elements of your UI be animated. To take advantage of this, make sure that you have Animated Themes checked in your settings, and use an animated format (WebP, APNG, or GIF) with your animated image. Please be aware that an overabundance of animated elements may impact AO's performance.


Characters can now have an additional portrait displayed over the chatbox when they are talking.

To use this feature, place your sticker in a directory named sticker inside of your theme's folder. The sticker image must be named after the folder name of the character, and the image must be the size of the viewport.